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“How To Solve The Issue Of Google Drive Not Working”

Sophia Williams 986 23-Aug-2019

 A kind of extended space which stores all your additional files, pictures, or maybe important documents that don’t require to be used as of now. Even If you delete all the files from your main memory, google drive still has access to deleted pictures or music. Since this drive has access to all small and big size files , make sure that you keep it updated and cache free. What happens is when we start transferring files from RAM to your google drive, it takes a lot of time if your phone’s processor is not that good .Also at times we forget to clear all the unwanted cache from drive. And that’s where the problem occurs. While transferring files from one drive to other, Google drive stops working or takes time if the size of the file is big.

Google drive stops responding, even the phone starts hanging. It’s because of many reasons. Say because of any virus in the files or maybe because the phone isn’t updated with the latest version of software. Now the question which arises is what to do when your google drive stops responding while you are actually in the middle of transferring any important file. There could be many possible reasons of google drive not working such as;

1. Network Failure.

2. Slow processor .

3. Too many files being transferred at the same time.

4. Not updated version of Google drive and so on.

In case of any of these possible reasons, there are few solutions one can follow to resolve when Google Drive Not Working.

1. Check for network. In case of slow internet reconnect it.

2. Change to another data network. Say from one mobile data to other.

3. In case of overloading you can restart google drive.

4. At times because of data traffic, application might get stuck. In that case reinstall the app.

Solutions listed below are the basic steps you need to follow when you are actually facing any technical error. If the problem still persists you can go for expert assistance. You have to do nothing but visit any google help page and look for the best available solution for your problem. You can also visit google app’s dashboard and ask for help.

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